# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Nicolas Maillet #
# Copyright © 2018 Institut Pasteur, Paris. #
# See the COPYRIGHT file for details #
# #
# This file is part of Rapid Peptide Generator (RPG) software. #
# #
# RPG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
# any later version. #
# #
# RPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public license #
# along with RPG (LICENSE file). #
# If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
"""Contains classes and function related to sequences"""
import decimal
from rpg import core
class Peptide:
"""Definition of a peptide, containing the header of its original
sequence, an amino acid sequence, the name of the enzyme used to
produce it and more informations.
:param header: header of the peptide
:param sequence: sequence in amino acids
:param enzyme_name: name of the enzyme used
:param aa_pka: pKa values (IPC / IPC2 / Stryer)
:param aa_mass: masse values (average / monoisotopic)
:param water_mass: masse value of water (average / monoisotopic)
:param nb_peptide: number of this peptide (default: 0)
:param position: position of cleavage on the original sequence (default: 0)
:type header: str
:type sequence: str
:type enzyme_name: str
:type aa_pka: dict()
:type aa_mass: dict()
:type water_mass: dict()
:type nb_peptide: int
:type position: int
:var size: size of the peptide
:var mass: mass of the peptide
:var p_i: pI of the peptide
:vartype size: int
:vartype mass: float
:vartype p_i: float
def __init__(self, header, sequence, enzyme_name, aa_pka, aa_mass,
water_mass, nb_peptide=0, position=0):
self.header = header # header of this peptide
self.sequence = sequence # peptide sequence
self.enzyme_name = enzyme_name # name of the enzyme used
self.aa_pka = aa_pka # pKa values for pI calculation
self.aa_mass = aa_mass # atomic mass value of all aa
self.water_mass = water_mass # atomic mass value of water
self.nb_peptide = nb_peptide # number of this peptide
self.position = position # position of cleavage
self.size = len(sequence) # size of the peptide
# Mass of the peptide
self.mass = water_mass
for i in sequence:
self.mass += aa_mass[i]
self.p_i = self.get_isoelectric_point()
# self representation for print
def __repr__(self):
pka = "IPC2"
if self.aa_pka == core.AA_PKA_S:
pka = "Stryer"
elif self.aa_pka == core.AA_PKA_IPC:
pka = "IPC"
return "Original header: " + self.header + "\nNo. peptide: " + \
str(self.nb_peptide) + "\nEnzyme: " + self.enzyme_name + \
"\nCleav. pos: " + str(self.position) + "\nPep. size: " + \
str(self.size) + "\nPep. mass: " + str(self.mass) + \
"\npKa values from: " + pka + "\nPep. pI: " + str(self.p_i) +\
"\nSequence: " + self.sequence + "\n"
# Equality between two Peptides
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(self, other.__class__):
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
return False
# Create a clean output according to fmt
def __format__(self, fmt):
ret = ""
# Formating the print according to format
if fmt == "fasta":
ret += ">"
separator = "_"
elif fmt == "csv":
separator = ","
separator = "\t"
# Main values to print
ret += self.header + separator + str(self.nb_peptide) + separator + \
self.enzyme_name + separator + str(self.position) + separator + \
str(self.size) + separator + str(self.mass) + separator + \
# Last separator, \n for fasta format
if fmt == "fasta":
ret += "\n"
ret += separator
# End of the print
ret += self.sequence
return ret
def get_isoelectric_point(self):
"""Compute isoelectric point (pI) of the peptide using
binary search.
:return: computed pI
:rtype: float
:note: This function used :py:const:`~rpg.core.AA_PKA`
ph_val = 7 # Neutral pH, starting point of binary search
ph_min = 0.0 # Minimal pH
ph_max = 14.0 # Maximal pH
precision = 0.01
# While we are not precise enough
while (ph_val-ph_min > precision) or (ph_max-ph_val > precision):
# Compute the pI
qn1 = -1.0 / (1.0 + pow(10, (self.aa_pka["Cterm"] - ph_val)))
qn2 = -self.sequence.count('D') / (1.0 + pow(10, (self.aa_pka["D"]-
qn3 = -self.sequence.count('E') / (1.0 + pow(10, (self.aa_pka["E"]-
qn4 = -self.sequence.count('C') / (1.0 + pow(10, (self.aa_pka["C"]-
qn5 = -self.sequence.count('Y') / (1.0 + pow(10, (self.aa_pka["Y"]-
qp1 = self.sequence.count('H') / (1.0 + pow(10, (ph_val -
qp2 = 1.0 / (1.0 + pow(10, (ph_val - self.aa_pka["Nterm"])))
qp3 = self.sequence.count('K') / (1.0 + pow(10, (ph_val -
qp4 = self.sequence.count('R') / (1.0 + pow(10, (ph_val -
nq_final = qn1 + qn2 + qn3 + qn4 + qn5 + qp1 + qp2 + qp3 + qp4
# We are below solution, good pH value must be smaller
if nq_final < 0.0:
ph_max = ph_val
ph_val -= (ph_max - ph_min) / 2
# We are above solution, good pH value must be bigger
ph_min = ph_val
ph_val += (ph_max - ph_min) / 2
# We got a good enough pH value
return round(ph_val, 2)
class Sequence:
"""Definition of an amino acid sequence to digest.
:param header: header of the sequence
:param sequence: sequence itself
:type header: str
:type sequence: str
def __init__(self, header, sequence):
self.header = header # header of this peptide
self.sequence = sequence # peptide sequence
# self representation for print
def __repr__(self):
return "Header: " + self.header + "\nSequence: " + self.sequence + "\n"
# Equality between two Sequences
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(self, other.__class__):
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
return False
def check_sequence(seq):
"""Validate an input sequence. Each amino acid should be in
:param seq: the sequence to check
:type seq: str
:return: Sequence in UPPERCASE
:rtype: str
validate = seq.strip().upper()
for i in validate:
if i not in core.AMINOACIDS:
raise ValueError("amino acid \"%s\" in %s not "\
"recognized." % (i, validate))
return validate