# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Nicolas Maillet #
# Copyright © 2018 Institut Pasteur, Paris. #
# See the COPYRIGHT file for details #
# #
# This file is part of Rapid Peptide Generator (RPG) software. #
# #
# RPG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
# any later version. #
# #
# RPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public license #
# along with RPG (LICENSE file). #
# If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
"""Contains class and functions related to definition of
cleaving rules
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from rpg import core
class Rule:
"""Definition of a principal rule defining where a cleavage occurs.
:param index: position where to look for a specific amino acid
:param amino_acid: amino acid to look for
:param cleavage: cleavage or not at this position on this amino acid
:param pos: cleavage before (0) of after (1) amino acid. -1 for unused value
:type index: signed int
:type amino_acid: char
:type cleavage: bool
:type pos: int
:var rules: additional sub-rules of this rule
:vartype rules: list(:py:class:`Rule`)
def __init__(self, index, amino_acid, cleavage, pos):
self.index = index # where to look for this aa?
self.amino_acid = amino_acid # the aa
self.cleavage = cleavage # if amino_acid detected at index, cleavage or not?
self.pos = pos # cleavage before (0) of after (1) amino_acid (-1 if not used)
self.rules = [] # List of additional rules
# self representation for print
# lvl handle number of '\t' needed
def __repr__(self, lvl=0):
ret = ""
for _ in range(lvl):
ret += "\t"
ret += "index=" + str(self.index) + "\n"
for _ in range(lvl):
ret += "\t"
ret += "amino_acid=" + str(self.amino_acid) + "\n"
for _ in range(lvl):
ret += "\t"
ret += "cleavage=" + str(self.cleavage) + "\n"
for _ in range(lvl):
ret += "\t"
ret += "position=" + str(self.pos) + "\n"
# Sub-rules
for i in self.rules:
ret += str(i.__repr__(lvl + 1))
return ret
# Equality between two Rules
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(self, other.__class__):
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
return False
# Needed with __eq__ to make it hashable
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.__dict__.values())
def equ(self, other):
"""Test equality with another rule **without taking into
account sub-rules nor `cleavage`**.
:param other: rule to compare with
:type other: :py:class:`Rule`
:return: `True` if rules are equal, `False` otherwise
:rtype: bool
:note: use '==' for complete equality including sub-rules.
return (self.index == other.index) and (self.amino_acid == other.amino_acid) \
and (self.pos == other.pos)
def contains(self, other):
"""Test if another rule is contained in sub-rules **without
taking into account sub-rules nor `cleavage`** and return the
sub-rule if founded.
:param other: rule to compare with
:type other: :py:class:`Rule`
:return: the sub-rule is founded, `None` otherwise
:rtype: :py:class:`Rule`
ret = None
for i in self.rules:
if i.equ(other):
ret = i
return ret
def contains_any_level(self, other, ret=False):
"""Test if another rule is contained within **without taking into
account sub-rules nor `cleavage`** no matter what level.
:param other: rule to compare with
:type other: :py:class:`Rule`
:param ret: previous `ret` value (default: `False`)
:type ret: bool
:return: `True` if rule is included, `False` otherwise
:rtype: bool
for i in self.rules:
if i.equ(other):
ret = True
ret = i.contains_any_level(other, ret)
return ret
def check_rule(exprule):
"""Check if a rule is properly inputed.
:param exprule: the raw expression of a rule
:type exprule: str
:return: `exprule` if it is correct, empty char otherwise
:rtype: str
# Get everything in UPPER
clean_exprule = exprule.upper()
# Get " or " in lower
clean_exprule = clean_exprule.replace(" OR ", " or ")
ret = clean_exprule
# Do we got at least one amino acid?
res = re.search("[A-Za-z]", clean_exprule)
if not res:
core.handle_errors("No amino acid founded")
ret = ""
# Check all characters
res = re.search(r"[^A-Za-z ,\(\)]", clean_exprule)
if res:
core.handle_errors(", bad character founded at position " +
str(res.start() + 1), 2, "Error")
core.handle_errors(exprule, 2)
to_print = ""
for i in range(res.start()):
to_print += " "
core.handle_errors(to_print + "^", 2)
ret = ""
# No space except before and after "or"
if ret != "":
res = re.search(r"(?<!r) (?!o)", clean_exprule)
if res:
core.handle_errors(", bad space character founded at position " +
str(res.start() + 1), 2, "Error")
core.handle_errors(exprule, 2)
to_print = ""
for i in range(res.start()):
to_print += " "
core.handle_errors(to_print + "^", 2)
ret = ""
# No amino_acid after a amino_acid (all UPPER except or)
if ret != "":
res = re.search(r"[A-Z][A-Z]", clean_exprule)
if res:
core.handle_errors(", too many character founded at position " +
str(res.start() + 1), 2, "Error")
core.handle_errors(exprule, 2)
to_print = ""
for i in range(res.start() + 1):
to_print += " "
core.handle_errors(to_print + "^", 2)
ret = ""
# parenthesis verif
if ret != "":
opening = False
if "(" not in clean_exprule:
core.handle_errors(", no opening parenthesis founded", 2, "Error")
ret = ""
for i, _ in enumerate(clean_exprule):
# Opening parenthesis
if clean_exprule[i] == "(":
# If we found another opening but no closing
if opening:
core.handle_errors(", opening parenthesis founded without "
"closed one at position " +
str(i + 1), 2, "Error")
core.handle_errors(exprule, 2)
to_print = ""
for _ in range(i):
to_print += " "
core.handle_errors(to_print + "^", 2)
ret = ""
opening = True
# Closing parenthesis
if clean_exprule[i] == ")":
# Seems ok
if opening:
opening = False
core.handle_errors(", closing parenthesis founded without "
"opening before at position " +
str(i + 1), 2, "Error")
core.handle_errors(exprule, 2)
to_print = ""
for _ in range(i):
to_print += " "
core.handle_errors(to_print + "^", 2)
ret = ""
if opening is True:
core.handle_errors(", an opened parenthesis was never closed", 2,
ret = ""
# comma verif: max two and in the same parenthesis system, and min one
if ret != "":
if clean_exprule.count(',') > 2:
core.handle_errors(", too many ',' founded", 2, "Error")
ret = ""
elif clean_exprule.count(',') == 0:
core.handle_errors(", no ',' founded", 2, "Error")
ret = ""
# comma always closed to a parenthesis
res = re.search(r"(?<!\(),(?!\))", clean_exprule)
if res:
core.handle_errors(", bad comma founded at position " +
str(res.start() + 1), 2, "Error")
core.handle_errors(exprule, 2)
to_print = ""
for i in range(res.start()):
to_print += " "
core.handle_errors(to_print + "^", 2)
ret = ""
# If two commas, they should be in the same parenthesis system
comma_found = False
closed_parenthesis = False
for i, _ in enumerate(clean_exprule):
# First comma
if clean_exprule[i] == ",":
comma_found = True
# Closing parenthesis before the first comma
if comma_found and clean_exprule[i] == ")":
closed_parenthesis = True
# If we found another comma after the closed parenthesis
if comma_found and closed_parenthesis and clean_exprule[i] == ",":
core.handle_errors(", bad comma founded at position " +
str(i + 1), 2, "Error")
core.handle_errors(exprule, 2)
to_print = ""
for _ in range(i):
to_print += " "
core.handle_errors(to_print + "^", 2)
ret = ""
return ret
def split_complex_rule(a_rule):
"""Split a complex rules containing ' or ' into simpler rules.
:param a_rule: the rule to split
:type a_rule: str
:return: the simple rules
:rtype: list(str)
# Returned cleaned rules
clean_rules = []
# Does it contains a " or "?
tmp = a_rule.find(" or ")
if tmp != -1:
# Get the beginning
beg = a_rule[:tmp - 1]
# Get the end: it start at the next ")" after " or "
endpos = tmp + a_rule[tmp:].find(")")
# end is the next ")" and what's following
end = a_rule[endpos:]
# It might have a "," before
if a_rule[endpos - 1] == ",":
end = "," + end
# first rule (left side of " or ")
tmp_rule = beg + a_rule[tmp - 1] + end
# clean this new rule
clean_rules += split_complex_rule(tmp_rule)
# second rule (right side of " or ")
tmp_rule = beg + a_rule[tmp + 4:]
# clean this new rule
clean_rules += split_complex_rule(tmp_rule)
# No " or " founded
# add it to return
return clean_rules
def add_rule(rules_list, a_rule):
"""Add (recursively) a rule to a list of rules.
:param rules_list: the list of rules where to add
:param a_rule: the rule to add
:type rules_list: list(:py:class:`Rule`)
:type a_rule: :py:class:`Rule`
.. warning:: Modify `rules_list` :python:
# Should we add this rule to this rules_list?
to_add = True
# Does this rules already exist in list?
for i in rules_list:
# Same content except for sub-rules?
if i.equ(a_rule):
# This rules exist
to_add = False
# Check the sub-rules of the rule to add
for j in a_rule.rules:
add_rule(i.rules, j)
# Does a sub rules of this rules exist as a rule?
# Tmp set for removing inside a for loop
to_remove = set()
# For each sub-rules of the rule to add
for k in a_rule.rules:
# If this sub-rules is in the rule list, we need to
# change the rule according to the sub-rule
# that already exist
# Same content except for sub-rules?
if k.equ(i):
# This rules exist
to_add = False
# Flag this conflicting rules
# Edit the rule
a_rule.cleavage = not a_rule.cleavage
# Add it to the sub-rule that already exist
# without modifying it
add_rule(i.rules, a_rule)
# Remove conflicting rules
for k in to_remove:
# This rules is new
if to_add:
def create_rules(all_rules):
"""Create proper rules for an enzyme from raw rules.
:param all_rules: rules corresponding to the enzyme
:type all_rules: list(:py:class:`Rule`)
:return: rules ready to populate an :py:class:`~rpg.enzyme.Enzyme`
:rtype: list(:py:class:`Rule`)
This function handle ' or ' keywords, multiple parenthesis, sort the
simples rules, create sub-rules, etc. The output is ready to be used
to create an :py:class:`~rpg.enzyme.Enzyme`.
# All rules correctly added, ready to be printed
correct_rules = []
# handle " or " keyword and split it into several rules
for tmp_rule, tmp_cleavage in list(all_rules.items()):
# Remove this rule from main list
# Split this rule on " or "
tmp_rules = split_complex_rule(tmp_rule)
# Add all the cleaned rules corresponding
for rul in tmp_rules:
all_rules[rul] = tmp_cleavage
# handle multiple "," in one parenthesis
#so we got only ONE "," per rule
for tmp_rule, tmp_cleavage in list(all_rules.items()):
if tmp_rule.count(",") > 1:
# Remove this complex rule
# Modified beginning and ending of the rules to create
# Beginning of the complex rule
begpos = tmp_rule.find("(,")
# Should be like ...('
beg_cleavage = tmp_rule[:begpos + 2]
# Should be like ...(
beg_no_cleavage = tmp_rule[:begpos + 1]
# Ending of the complex rule
endpos = tmp_rule.find(",)")
# Should be like ...')
end_cleavage = tmp_rule[endpos:]
# Should be like ...)
end_no_cleavage = tmp_rule[endpos + 1:]
# Add rules
all_rules[beg_cleavage + tmp_rule[begpos + 2] + end_no_cleavage] = tmp_cleavage
all_rules[beg_no_cleavage + tmp_rule[begpos + 2] + end_cleavage] = tmp_cleavage
# Sort rules, smaller first
all_rules_keys = list(all_rules.keys())
all_rules_keys.sort(key=lambda s: len(s))
exceptions = []
# For each rules
for rul in all_rules_keys:
# Split each amino acid of the rule
tmp_rule = rul.split("(")
# Remove first i.e. ""
# Remove residual ')' and find the cleaving zone
for i, _ in enumerate(tmp_rule):
tmp_rule[i] = tmp_rule[i].replace(")", "")
if "," in tmp_rule[i]:
ind = i
# Dict of pos/val of this rule
dict_rule = {}
for i, val in enumerate(tmp_rule):
# None empty parenthesis
if val != '':
dict_rule[i - ind] = val
# All positions except the cleaving one
dict_rule_no_main = dict_rule.copy()
# Create rule for the cleaving zone
if dict_rule[0][0] == ",":
# Before amino_acid
cleaving_zone = Rule(0, str(dict_rule[0][1]), all_rules[rul], 0)
# After amino_acid
cleaving_zone = Rule(0, str(dict_rule[0][0]), all_rules[rul], 1)
# Is there sub-rule?
if len(dict_rule) > 1:
# Reverse the cleavageting boolean
cleaving_zone.cleavage = not cleaving_zone.cleavage
# Upper-rule
previous_rule = cleaving_zone
# Only the deeper rule should have the correct boolean
cleav = not all_rules[rul]
# Exceptions to handle
if cleaving_zone.cleavage and len(dict_rule) > 1:
# Backup this exception
# No exception
# Find the deepest rule: left if exist, otherwise, right
if len(dict_rule_no_main.keys()) > 0:
min_key = min(dict_rule_no_main.keys()) # Deep on left
max_key = max(dict_rule_no_main.keys()) # Deep on right
# Something left
if min_key < 0:
# Parse all after cleaving site first in reverse
for i in reversed(sorted(dict_rule_no_main.keys())):
# Deeper rule, change it (leftest)
if i == min_key:
cleav = not cleav
# Create the rule
this_rule = Rule(i, dict_rule_no_main[i], cleav, -1)
# Add this rule to upper-rule
if not previous_rule.equ(this_rule) and\
not previous_rule.contains_any_level(this_rule):
# Current rule is the new down-rule
previous_rule = this_rule
else: # Nothing left, change deepest rule at right
# Parse all after cleaving site first
for i in sorted(dict_rule_no_main.keys()):
# Deeper rule, change it (rightest)
if i == max_key:
cleav = not cleav
# Create the rule
this_rule = Rule(i, dict_rule_no_main[i], cleav, -1)
# Add this rule to upper-rule
if not previous_rule.equ(this_rule) and\
not previous_rule.contains_any_level(this_rule):
# Current rule is the new down-rule
previous_rule = this_rule
# Create the corresponding rule
add_rule(correct_rules, cleaving_zone)
# Handling exceptions
for dict_exc in exceptions:
# Create rule for the cleaving zone
if dict_exc[0][0] == ",":
# Before amino_acid
cleaving_zone = Rule(0, str(dict_exc[0][1]), all_rules[rul], 0)
# After amino_acid
cleaving_zone = Rule(0, str(dict_exc[0][0]), all_rules[rul], 1)
# Default main_rule
main_rule = cleaving_zone
# Find correct main rule in correct_rule
for corrule in correct_rules:
# We are in the correct rule
if corrule.equ(cleaving_zone):
main_rule = corrule
# Remove the main rule from it
dict_exc_no_main = dict_exc.copy()
# Finding missing rules
missing = find_missing_rule(main_rule, dict_exc_no_main)
# Missing rules already handle
handle_exceptions = []
# Add all missing rules
while missing:
# Get exceptions to handle, i.e. the deepest
missing_rules = missing[max(missing, key=int)]
# Handle the first one
add_missing_rule(main_rule, dict_exc_no_main, missing_rules[0])
# Indicate that it has been handle
# Is there other exceptions?
done = True
# Scan all exceptions
for mis in missing_rules:
# Is there at least one not handle?
if mis not in handle_exceptions:
done = False
# There is more exceptions
if not done:
# Finding missing rules
missing = find_missing_rule(main_rule, dict_exc_no_main)
# We are done
missing = None
# Return all correct rules
return correct_rules
def find_missing_rule(main_rule, dict_of_rule, depth=0):
"""Find all missing rules of an exception in a main rule
:param main_rule: the main rule to search in
:type main_rule: :py:class:`Rule`
:param dict_of_rule: Raw rules of an exception
:type dict_of_rule: Dict of pos/val
:param depth: Depth of missing rule (default: `0`)
:type depth: int
:return: Missing rules and their positions and depth (key)
:rtype: defaultdict(list)
# Dict of missing rules. Key is depth.
ret = defaultdict(list)
# For each rule of the exception
for i in reversed(sorted(dict_of_rule)):
# Backup the dict
dict_of_rule_small = dict_of_rule.copy()
# Remove current rule
# Create a proper Rule from this rule
tmp_rule = Rule(i, dict_of_rule[i], False, -1)
# Is this Rule exist?
founded = None
# For all sub-rule of main_rule
for j in main_rule.rules:
if j.equ(tmp_rule):
# the Rule exist, backup the 'proper' one
founded = j
# If the Rule exist, take the 'proper' one as main_rule
if founded:
# Search for remaining rules in sub-rules of current Rule
tmp_ret = find_missing_rule(founded, dict_of_rule_small,
depth + 1)
# Update results
# The Rule does not exist in current sub-rules
# Add it to results
ret[depth].append((i, dict_of_rule[i]))
return ret
def add_missing_rule(main_rule, dict_of_rule, rule_to_add):
"""Add a rule of an exception in a main rule
:param main_rule: the main rule to add in
:type main_rule: :py:class:`Rule`
:param dict_of_rule: Raw rules of an exception
:type dict_of_rule: Dict of pos/val
:param rule_to_add: The rule to add
:type rule_to_add: Tuple(pos/val)
# Find reachable positions
reachable_pos = find_rechable_pos(main_rule, dict_of_rule)
# Smaller is deeper, add to deepest
where_to_add = reachable_pos[min(reachable_pos)]
# Create the Rule for this exception
tmp_rule = Rule(rule_to_add[0], rule_to_add[1], False, -1)
# Change upper rules to cleavage
# Dangerous, works because .equ doesn't look cleavageting position.
# I can't find an upper rule that should be at F with sub-rule at F
# Something like '(D,)(G)': False, '(X)(D,)(G)': False
# But it is none sens, but this actually BUG...
# What I should do is checking if the rule already exist. If so, add
# a new one. But I will end-up with two identical rules at the same
# level saying T and F.
where_to_add.cleavage = True
# If it is not already there
if not where_to_add.contains(tmp_rule) and not where_to_add.equ(tmp_rule):
# Add manually the rule
def find_rechable_pos(main_rule, dict_of_rule):
"""Find all positions reachable on a main rule according to several
:param main_rule: the main rule to search in
:type main_rule: :py:class:`Rule`
:param dict_of_rule: Raw rules of an exception
:type dict_of_rule: Dict of pos/val
:return: Reachable :py:class:`Rule` and their depth (key)
:rtype: dict()
ret = {}
# We finish to parse all rules, we are as deeper as possible
if not dict_of_rule:
# This is a possibility
ret[len(dict_of_rule)] = main_rule
# For each rules
for i in reversed(sorted(dict_of_rule)):
# Create the corresponding rule
tmp_rule = Rule(i, dict_of_rule[i], False, -1)
# Get the corresponding rule in main_rule
new_main_rule = main_rule.contains(tmp_rule)
# If it exist
if new_main_rule:
# Copy of the dict
dict_of_rule_small = dict_of_rule.copy()
# Remove from the dict the rule that exist in main_rule
# Search with the smaller dict and the new main_rule
tmp_ret = find_rechable_pos(new_main_rule, dict_of_rule_small)
# Update results
# This rule does not exist in main_rule
# Add main_rule to possibilities
ret[len(dict_of_rule)] = main_rule
return ret
def handle_rule(seq, pos, a_rule, cleavage):
"""Recursive handling of a :py:class:`Rule` determining if a
sequence must be cleavageted at a given position according to the rule.
:param seq: sequence to test
:param pos: position on the sequence
:param a_rule: the rule
:param cleavage: boolean telling if it must be cleavageted or not
:type seq: str
:type pos: int
:type a_rule: :py:class:`Rule`
:type cleavage: bool
:return: `True` if sequence must be cleavageted
:rtype: bool or None
# return of the function: should we cleavage this?
ret = cleavage
# Need to try because it can be the first/last amino_acid
# and we need to look before/after
# After is handle by try, but before, because python like str[-x],
# we need an if :-/
# If the rule applies, i.e. the amino_acid to watch is the good one
if (pos + a_rule.index) >= 0 and \
seq[pos + a_rule.index] == a_rule.amino_acid:
# If no previous 'False' and this is cleavageting
if a_rule.cleavage and ret is not False:
ret = True
# Handle the sub-rules (exceptions)
for rul in a_rule.rules:
# Apply the rule: do we need to cleavage?
ret = handle_rule(seq, pos, rul, ret)
# Is is not cleavageting
elif not a_rule.cleavage:
# Reinit
ret = None
# Handle sub-rules
if a_rule.rules:
# Handle the rules (exceptions)
for rul in a_rule.rules:
# Apply the rule: do we need to cleavage?
ret = handle_rule(seq, pos, rul, ret)
# No sub-rules and not cleavageting
# We are at the end a of rule that applies
# and say to NOT cleavage. So it will never cleavage.
ret = False
# Doesn't work: begin or end of sequence, don't change cleavage value
except IndexError:
return ret